Ayido introduces the world first-class zero loss desiccant air dryer technology to provide the high-end equipment and service.
Ayido desiccant air dryer includes heatless regenerative desiccant air dryer and heat purge regenerative desiccant air dryer:
The working principle of heatless regenerative desiccant air dryer is taking the theory of Pressure Change Adsorption. The desiccant absorbs moisture of compressed air under the pipe network's pressure, then adsorption under the atmosphere pressure. Retrieving some dry air from the outlet of dryer to dehydrate the desiccant,adsorption in one tank and desorption in the other tank, two tanks work alternately and re-cycle, so the clean and dry compressed air will be supplied continually.
Ayido heatless regenerative desiccant air dryer (click pircture for more information)
Heat purge regenerative desiccant air dryer is designed on the base of heatless air dryer by adding a heater. The regenerative air will heat the desiccant after temperature rising, which reached better regeneration efficiency. Also reduced regenerative air consumption and achieved energy saving.
Ayido heat purge regenerative desiccant air dryer (click picture for more information)
Phone: +86 21 5655 6323
Website: www.ayido.com.cn