Since 2000, Ayido has been delivering quality, industry leading compressed air dryers and accessories for production lines and facilities all over the world.
Our precise engineering and designs provide reliable products that will protect your operations for years to come. Our knowledge and advanced compressed air dryer technology in the field of compressed air, gas, and fluid separation, extends from the compressor room to all points of use in the factory.
Since 2000, Ayido has been delivering quality, industry leading compressed air dryers and accessories for production lines and facilities all over the world.
Our precise engineering and designs provide reliable products that will protect your operations for years to come. Our knowledge and advanced compressed air dryer technology in the field of compressed air, gas, and fluid separation, extends from the compressor room to all points of use in the factory.
Since 2000, Ayido has been delivering quality, industry leading compressed air dryers and accessories for production lines and facilities all over the world.
Our precise engineering and designs provide reliable products that will protect your operations for years to come. Our knowledge and advanced compressed air dryer technology in the field of compressed air, gas, and fluid separation, extends from the compressor room to all points of use in the factory.
Since 2000, Ayido has been delivering quality, industry leading compressed air dryers and accessories for production lines and facilities all over the world.
Our precise engineering and designs provide reliable products that will protect your operations for years to come. Our knowledge and advanced compressed air dryer technology in the field of compressed air, gas, and fluid separation, extends from the compressor room to all points of use in the factory.
Since 2000, Ayido has been delivering quality, industry leading compressed air dryers and accessories for production lines and facilities all over the world.
Our precise engineering and designs provide reliable products that will protect your operations for years to come. Our knowledge and advanced compressed air dryer technology in the field of compressed air, gas, and fluid separation, extends from the compressor room to all points of use in the factory.
Closed loop low dew point heated blower desiccant air dryer sucks ambient air, after passing through high
precision filtration and heating equipment, to heat and regenerate the desiccant. After finishing heating and
regeneration, ambient air continue to cool high temperature desiccant and cool after flowing through cooler,
which form closed loop cooling, cooling end means regeneration completion. This process doesn't lose any
compresssed dry air.
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